Legion Language & Protocols

New Legionnaires often find the following information helpful:

  • MEETING CONDUCT - Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised, governs the conduct of Post meetings.
  • CEREMONY DIGNITY - The ceremonial services of The American Legion are conducted with a solemnity befitting the dignity of this organization.
  • POW/MIA EMPTY CHAIR - A POW/MIA empty chair is placed at all official meetings of The American Legion as a physical symbol of the thousands of American POW/MIAs still unaccounted for from all wars and conflicts involving the United States of America.
  • GAVEL - A chair's gavel is a symbol of authority and ensures orderly meetings. One tap is a message to the members to be seated following the opening ceremony, the completion of a business item, or following the announcement of adjournment. Two taps if the gavel call the meeting to order. Three taps of the gavel are the signal for members to stand on the third tap. A series of sharp taps is used to restore order at a meeting.
  • SILENT TRIBUTE - Legionnaires standing in silent tribute in memory of departed comrades during meetings or ceremonies will face the U.S. Flag with Legion cap or hand held over the heart.
  • THE HAND CLAP - This long-held Legion tradition is a slow and rhythmic clapping of hands, much like the slow beat of a drum. The hand clap is used to welcome new members and guests when they are brought forward to be introduced and when leaving the lectern. This demonstrates respect for the individual being recognized.
  • PUFL stands for Paid-Up-For-Life membership.
  • TRANSFERRED TO POST EVERLASTING - This refers to a Legionnaire who has died and transferred to the Post Everlasting.

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