Welcome to Post 71

Clayton, NC

Welcome and congratulations on your membership in The American Legion and Post 71. You now belong to our Legion family of over four million members! The American Legion is a powerful force in our nation. We hope your involvement will be a rewarding experience.

The American Legion began in 1919. It is the nation's largest and most influential veterans' service organization. All our American Legion Family, from The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary, Sons of the American Legion and our American Legion Riders work together as patriotic Americans to serve America and her veterans.

Since our very first meeting in Paris, France, The American Legion has maintained a vision for a Strong America. Our four pillars of service are: Veteran Affairs & Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children & Youth.

To the extent you are able, we hope you find ways to contribute to the proud future of our Post. Our Post's future will be defined by our service to our veterans, their families, our local communities, state, and our great Nation. The future of our Post will be stronger and more rewarding because of your involvement.

As you become more involved in our Post, you may have questions about The American Legion or our Post. Just bring your questions to a Post officer, we will do our best to help you. We are devoted to "Mutual Helpfulness."


Leonard Moore American Legion Post 71, PO Box 252, 1300 Old US 70W, Clayton, NC 27520

Executive Meetings: First Thursday @ 1900 

Member Meetings: Second Thursday @ 1900

Auxiliary Meetings: Second Wednesday @1900

Riders Meetings: Second Monday @1800

SAL Meetings: Third Wednesday @ 1900

Buddy Breakfast: Tuesdays 0900 - 1100 

Happy Hours: Wednesdays 1630 - 2100 

Website: nclegionpost71.org

Facebook: facebook.com/groups/nclegionpost71.org 


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